Varicose Vein Clinic

The Varicose Vein Clinic

The Varicose Vein Clinic was started in 2008 by Dr Paul Davis and his wife Krysten.

Dr Davis had been working in rural and remote Queensland and the Northern Territory and was often providing the anaesthetic services for vein stripping operations. Newer vein treatment techniques were being developed and Paul knew that he had to be involved in making these techniques available and mainstream.

After completing his training in Phlebology and practicing for a few years Dr Davis was ready to set up his own clinic. Paul and Krysten started ‘The Varicose Vein Clinic’ with some very clear ideas about the sort of clinic they wanted it to be.

The Varicose Vein Clinic is the Centre of excellence for vein treatment. The clinic has a determined focus on the patient experience and prides itself on being a warm, friendly, welcoming place to visit. This focus on client needs is backed up by an absolute passion for achieving excellent results.

The clinic has now been in operation for nearly 15 years and literally thousands of satisfied clients are a testament to the success that Paul and Krysten have had in creating the premier location for vein treatment in Australia.